Friday, December 14, 2007

More Democratic Debate Stuff

Sorry that I'm doing this in a rush and piecemeal, but I don't have much time until my next class, and I can't find a plain typed transcript, so I have to listen to an audio file, but here are some impressions:
9 minutes, 28 seconds: Billary!  If Bill did it, so can Hillary!
13:36: Biden sez: I can get the troops out faster than anyone else!  I'm...SuperBiden!  Duh duh duh duh DUH!  Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
14:02: Biden sez, part II: The budget deficit is a vast right-wing conspiracy!  Please.  Don't try to be Ron Paul, Senator Biden.
14:09: Biden sez, part III: I'll cut $20 billion in unspecified "weapons systems."  My question: Which ones?  Ones in R&D, or actually deployed systems?
16:03: Richardson wants to increase the size of the military and keep the volunteer military!  An interesting position for a Democratic candidate in a primary debate, not that I disagree with it.

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