Thursday, May 29, 2008

Appeasment, My Rear End

Senator McCain, President Bush, all of you people who are accusing Barack Obama of being an appeaser, in the model of Neville Chamberlain.

I have two words.

Winston Churchill.

Yes, the famous British Prime Minister who led Britain for most of World War II. The man who said "To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war."

Certainly he was no "appeaser." And yet these are words that are on record as having left his mouth- at the White House, no less! Could it be that it's not necessary to go to war to deal with a problem?

Moreover, could it possibly be that we might engage Iran and Syria in negotiations that could lead to something? Of course, we won't do unconditional meetings! I don't recall Senator Obama actually saying that he would meet with those countries without conditions.

If you're not convinced, I'll leave you with a final quote, one that maybe Senator McCain will be able understand, since he fought in the Vietnam War. It's from General William Tecumseh Sherman: "War is hell."

Monday, May 12, 2008


Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've most likely heard of what's been going on in Myanmar. First, Buddhist monks protesting the military government and getting brutally repressed. Now, Cyclone Nargis has struck this poor, suffering nation, possibly causing more than 32,000 deaths.

And this is the response of the Burmese government:

Even Myanmar citizens who want to donate rice or other items have in several cases been told that all assistance must be channeled through the military. That restriction has angered local government officials like Tin Win who are trying to help rebuild the lives of villagers. He twitched with rage as he described the rice the military gave him.

“They gave us four bags,” he said. “The rice is rotten — even the pigs and dogs wouldn’t eat it.”

He said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees had delivered good rice to the local military leaders last week but they kept it for themselves and distributed the waterlogged, musty rice. “I’m very angry,” he said, adding an expletive to describe the military.

I absolutely cannot believe the chutzpah of these bastards. Hold the Katrina comparisons, at least Bush and FEMA tried to help. In other words, they didn't purposely prevent aid from reaching New Orleans. Not what these military crackheads are doing.

My prediction: Some day, those people are going to get fed up with their government, and there will be some serious trouble. No matter what the culture, people will only put up with so much before they snap. Maybe this is the breaking point for the poor, abused people of Myanmar. This is one place I wouldn't object to a little old-fashioned regime change. The Myanmarese deserve it.

Hey! What's That Over There?

Yes, that is a picture of a Barack Obama pin. I am formally endorsing Senator Obama at this time. I expect my prestigious endorsement will gain him at least one more superdelegate, maybe two or three .

The facts are that I did vote for Sen. Obama in Georgia's primary, and at this point, despite what Hillary says, Sen. Obama has a commanding lead in delegates. Sen. Clinton has much further to go if she wants to beat Barack.

Change we can believe in!