Thursday, September 18, 2008

Death to Mickey Mouse!

Wipe that smile off your face.

From the Department of Kooky Islamic Clerics:

Sheikh Muhammad Munajid claimed the mouse is "one of Satan's soldiers" and makes everything it touches impure.

But he warned that depictions of the creature in cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, and Disney's Mickey Mouse, had taught children that it was in fact loveable.


"Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases."

Mr. Munajid also proclaimed that "Goofy is a disgrace to mankind" and demanded that the Little Mermaid wear "decent clothing." However, he asserted that High School Musical was "awesome" and that "Allah's blessings fall upon Zac Efron."

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Okay, what I said the other day? Scratch that. I'm switching to what some like to call a "generalistic" type blog, and what I like to call a "whatever" type blog. I will use it as God intended blogs to be used: open forums for people who don't really know s***, but like to pretend they do know s***.

Yours in generalism,

Monday, September 1, 2008


I have shifted my focus a bit recently from American politics to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the area around them. As such, I will be modifying this blog to suit, and I hope it will continue to be slightly informative, and maybe just a little bit more than slightly informative.
